The Death of Resolutions – We’ve all been there. January 1st comes around, and we look back at last year and look ahead to next, and we make resolutions for the stuff we want to change. Every year, it’s the same. Get fit, lose weight, eat healthy, get organized, save money, learn a new hobby, travel, and be better about keeping in touch with friends and family.
Health and fitness goals are always #1.
It’s Resolution Time: Lose Weight and Get Fit
We see it all the time. People join the gym on January 1. It’s resolution time. The problem is resolutions don’t work. It’s not like a light switch, where you decide one day to turn it on, and suddenly, you look like a model and eat your 5-a-day of healthy fruits and vegetables. Nope. It’s a lifestyle change.
See tips on how to lose weight here!
Nobody Sticks to Resolutions
If you have found that you don’t stick to your resolutions, don’t feel bad. Only like eight percent of people actually do. Which probably explains why the same resolutions are in the top ten every year. It’s like Groundhog Day. You keep rewinding and starting over. But then you feel like crap, because not only are you still carrying that extra weight and maybe you don’t feel as energetic as you used to, but you also feel lame because you failed to keep your resolution.
Screw that. We don’t do resolutions.
Health and Fitness Matter
But we do know that health and fitness matter to your quality of life. Who wants to get out of breath walking upstairs or running after your kids at the playground?
There’s so much to be grateful for every day in life, and there’s so much to see in the world! If you want to live a long life full of energy where you get to see your kids and your grandkids grow up, then it’s important to keep the weight off, fuel your body with healthy foods, and keep your heart beating strong.
At Verge We Want to Help
At Verge, our goal is to help you meet your goals. We know how it feels to be fit and energetic. And we want to help you get there too. We have coaches and trainers on staff who are here to help you live a healthy lifestyle, from adding exercise to eating more fruits and vegetables. We are not in the business of selling January memberships to people who quit by March. We want to make this work for you.
Checkout our amazing trainers to help kickstart your year!
One great way to make fitness a lifestyle is to bring accountability into the mix, so you don’t get all gung ho and make changes for a week and then stop. Tell your friends about your plans or get a group together with the same goals.
A trainer can help, too, by giving ideas and encouragement. Plus, if you have an appointment, you tend to get yourself to the gym, even if you’re dreading it or would just rather go home after a long day of work and put your feet up on the couch and drink a beer.
If you can afford it, sign up for a few sessions with a trainer. That way you’ll get some professional guidance from our team, learn your way around the gym, and have a built-in accountability coach.
Try Group Exercise Classes
Group classes are extra motivating that way, too. Believe me, nobody is looking at you. They are looking at themselves and the teacher. Go to the front of the studio, so you can actually see the instructor. And know that everybody struggles at first to learn the steps or the routine.
Think of it as a process, so you stick with it. Know that it takes time to figure it all out, even just understanding the difference between a pony and a grapevine. (Yes, those exist, but don’t worry, you’ll know after the first class what they mean!)
See our group class schedule here.
Give it Six Weeks
Give it six weeks. Seriously. Suddenly you’ll look up, and there will be a new you. You won’t have hit all your goals (and if you have, damn, that’s fabulous, now let’s get you some new ones!), but you’ll be on your way to making health and fitness a lifestyle change.
We can’t wait for you to meet your new, more energized, happier self.
Happy New Year!
From your friends at Verge.